Legion del Metal



Sigh were formed in April of 1990. They did two demos before the 'requiem for fool' 7"EP on Wild Rags. The 7"EP led us to sign to Euronymous' Deathlike Silence Productions. The debut album 'Scorn Defeat' was recorded in 1993, but Euronoymous had been murdered before it's release. Voices of Wonder Records took over DSP and released the 'Scorn Defeat'. Sigh then moved to Cacophonous Records and released: Infidel Art (1995).Ghastly Funeral Theatre (1996 mini album). Hail Horror Hail (1997). Scenario IV: Dread Dreams (1999), 'Hail Horror Hail' was chosen as one of the most important 100 heavy metal albums of the nineties in Terrorizer Magazine.Sigh signed to Century Media Records and then released 'Imaginary Sonicscape' in 2001. The album was well-received worldwide. Sigh recruited the new drummer Junichi Harashima, and Fujinami shifted to the bass in the beginning of 2004. In 2004, SIGH recorded the sixth album 'Gallows Gallery' and it was released by Baphomet Records/Candlelight Records/ Season of Mist Records.The seventh album 'Hangman's Hymn' , which is the fastest and the most symphonic album by Sigh, was released in 2007 on The End Records (US) and Osmose Prodcutions (Europe). It was charted 11 on CMJ Loud Rock Chart as soon as it was out.'A Tribute to Venom' was released in September 2008 on The End Records to coincide Sigh's first US tour with Canada's Unexpect.The eighth album "Scene from Hell / Tempore Belli / Vanitas" is now being recorded and will be released some time in 2009. The album is going to feature a real string quartet and brass players for the massive orchestration. THIS IS HELL, THIS IS WAR, THIS IS DEATH!!!!!!! ...

Scorn Defeat

  1. A Victory of Dakini
  2. The Knell
  3. At My Funeral
  4. Gundali
  5. Ready for the Final War
  6. Weakness Within
  7. Taste Defeat

Hail Horror Hail
  1. Hail Horror Hail
  2. 42 49
  3. 12 Souls
  4. Burial
  5. The Dead Sing
  6. Invitation to Die
  7. Pathetic
  8. Curse of Izanagi
  9. Seed of Eternity



Ciudad de Origen: Italia
Formada en: 2001
Genero: Industrial Black Metal.

3 es una de las bandas de uno de los músicos más extremos de la escena mediterránea (Rosario Badalamenti), conocido en esta banda como Kaos. En esta, Kaos nos trae un black con poderosos y veloces golpes de batería acompañado de riffs de guitarras poco complicados pero muy bien logrados, además, de un toque industrial que le da fuerza al a cada álbum y los hace atractivo a los blackescucha abiertos a los híbridos del genero. La voz se mantiene en el scream acercándose un poco al gutural profundo, encajando de manera siniestra con cada canción de cada una de las producciones.   

Antichristian Kaos

  1. Satan in Me 
  2. Infernal Sterminiu 
  3. Apocalyptic Silence
  Click Me

666 Knives to the Son's Heart
  1. Malefica Stirpi
  2. To Stab the Son's Heart
  3. Das Tor ist Offen
  4. Preservaci dal Fuoco Dell'inferno
  5. Blasfema Wave 

Onnipotenza III

  1. Bile 
  2. L'Impervio Sentiero
  3. Lingua Morta 
  4. Incontroverti-Bile
  5. Immorale
Click Me



Darkthrone started as a death metal band, but by the end of 1990 and the beginning of 1991, when they were rehearsing the material that would eventually become Goatlord, Nocturno Culto, Zephyrous, and Fenriz started to get into black metal. Soon they decided to abort the Goatlord sessions because the material didn't reflect what they felt, and they started composing the songs that were found on A Blaze in the Northern Sky. Dag Nilsen was the only member who still wanted to play technical death metal, so he recorded the bass lines for A Blaze in the Northern Sky and then left the band.

Darkthrone's name was inspired by a Danish zine from around 1985/86 called Blackthorn, written by the guys from the Danish band DesExult, as well as by the lyrics of the Celtic Frost song "Jewel Throne" (I'm the king, sitting in the dark hiding from the shadows of the wind/.../ As I gaze from the Jewel Throne to the portal of infinity).

According to the December 2007 issue of Decibel Magazine, the Darkthrone logo was designed by Tomas Lindberg of At the Gates.

The Underground Resistance

  1. Dead Early
  2. Valkyrie
  3. Lesser Men
  4. The Ones You Left Behind
  5. Come Warfare, the Entire Doom
  6. Leave No Cross Unturned



Country of origin: United Kingdom
Formed in: 2006
Genre: Black/Death Metal

No holds barred Black-industrial Death-Grind all served up with an undertone of misery. Based in the UK Nierty is a gathering of lost souls with the unrelenting need to spread true contempt for humanity 

Nierty was started late in 2006 in north wales by founding member Skaven as a raw one man project with only one concept, to make a series of experimental EPs of the most furious and visciously distorted underground metal possible. between the years 2007 and 2009 Nierty unleashed 4 conceptual albums. maniacal laughter, diametrical infarcations, dominion, and essence of the nightbringer, with variouse self produced cover art and a filthy underground productions. 

By the dawn of 2010 nierty is darkened further by the addition of a full band line up including two members of the cult band Hecate Enthroned, for the recording of the first collaborative album Fed To Rats and re-release of Essence Of The Nightbringer to engage the underground's live scene. Further strengthening there ranks Nierty enlisted the help of the session opratix by Archvile, and new guitarist Xaphanas for the 3rd album Acolytes Of The Descent which was to be released on the Norwegian Antilable of Daniel Vrangsin(carpathian forest) Misantrof on Halloween as the 3rd installment of a trilogy of Free albums released in 2010 to unleash all hell upon mankind.

...To Be Continued

Essence of the Nightbringer
  1. Epiphany of Damnation
  2. Of Scorn and Stormblast
  3. Word of an Assasin
  4. Respirapture
  5. Redshift Complete
  6. While they Die Screaming
  7. In the Shadow of the Darkside
  8. Across the Boiling Sea
  9. Jaded Reflection
  10. Amser
  11. Meaningless Flickers of Life
  12. A Parasite of Existence
  13. Sin Incarnate Life Cycle

Fed to Rats
  1. Hell Plethora
  2. Gears of Suicide
  3. Throne of Corpses
  4. Overwriting Sunlight
  5. Bathed in Acid
  6. Falling Star

Acolytes of the Descent
  1. The Bitterness Of Centuries
  2. Catechism Of Hate
  3. Eterminal
  4. Born Burning
  5. The Untempered Schism
  6. Excystic
  7. Fields Of Extinction
  8. Acolytes Of The Descent
  9. Ashes To The Grinding Stone

Lunar Aurora

Country of origin: Germany
Status: Split-up
Formed in: 1994
Genre: Black Metal

Aran and Whyrhd formed Lunar Aurora in December 1994.
The band had been on hiatus from 2006 through 2011 for various personal reasons. The band eventually split-up in 2012.

Sindar is Aran's younger brother.

The exclusive song "Der Wanderer Des Feuermondes" can be found on the "Nachtzauber" compilation released by the German Mørkeskye Magazine.

The exclusive song "Der Leere Thron" can be found on the "Wurzelgeister" compilation released by Ketzer Records.

All the releases in 2004 had been recorded much earlier, but delayed heavily. 
This was mainly caused by both of the labels the band had been working with at the time (Kettenhund Records and Ars Metalli) going down. After a short-lived and unpleasant deal with "The Oath" from Italy, Lunar Aurora ended up founding their own label Cold Dimensions, which was originally run by Whyrhd and later continued as a sub-label of Prophecy Productions.

Another interesting development in that period was all of the members switching their main instrumental duties: Aran from guitar to drums, Whyrhd from bass to guitar, and Sindar from keyboard to bass. Aran went back to guitar when drummer Profanatitas was found.

Split up in November 2012. The statement from the band's website says:

"it has always been clear that also LUNAR AURORA will end some day. And this autumn we felt that it is time to lay the band to rest. We came to that decision for various reasons, the two following may be the most significant. On one hand our imaginations of future musical projects are difficult to reconcile with LUNAR AURORA, on the other hand we feel that LUNAR AURORA is out of tune with these times. We have never been people that speechify, so we won't make a big deal out of that, either.

It have been 18 great years and for that we want to say a big "THANK YOU!" to the people who have been with us during those years. Especially the fans as well as the bands we played with or did projects with. Not to forget the magazines, distributors, concert promoters, without whom publicity would not have been possible. Our label partners Frank Stöver, Andreas Lacher and Tom Wahl we owe deep thankfulness for their energy and trust.

With deep gratefulness we think of our bandmates Sindar, Nathaniel, Profanatitas, Biil, Skoarth and Bernhard Klepper for all they did for LUNAR AURORA with great dedication.

Although there won't be a new LUNAR AURORA album anymore, we will make sure that the long out of stock albums "... of stargates...", "Elixir of Sorrow" and "A haudiga Fluag" will be available through COLD DIMENSIONS within the next 1-2 years.

Until we meet again..."

  1. Der Morgen
  2. Der Tag
  3. Der Abend
  4. Die Nacht

  1. Groll
  2. Aufgewacht
  3. Rastlos
  4. Schwarze Winde
  5. Heimkehr
  6. Welk
  7. Grimm 



Scaffold was a death metal from Israel that was formed 1991. Eran Prion - Vocals, Oz Shavtiely - Guitar, Nadav Yaakoby - Guitar, Eliad Goldwasser - Bass, Elad Ron - Drums. This band contributed one track called "Vortex of Unknown" to the famous compilation lp "The Unholy bands from the Holy land" ,released by Pounding Productions in 1992.

Vortex of Fear
  1. Epilogue
  2. Vortex of Unknown
  3. Feast of Blood
  4. Love Undead
  5. Dungeon
  6. Valley of Death
  7. Werewolf
  8. Psycho