Legion del Metal



Defuntos es una banda portuguesa de black depresivo con algo de doom metal. Algo importante de esta banda es que su sonido es profundo y expresan todas esas emociones del alma. Acompañado con letras que giran en tono a la Muerte,el sufrimiento,la  tristeza, y la nostalgia. 

Con solo dos integrantes: conde J y conde F Defuntos ha hecho diez albumes en solo seis años de trayectoria. 

Luto Perpétuo


  1. Mórbido Padecimento
  2. O Derradeiro Beijo... Do Morto (A Visão da Tragédia, Capítulo IV - A Saudade)
  3. ...A Tua Voz...
  4. Algarve Esquecido
  5. Dentro de um Corpo que era Teu...



Current Line-Up:
Kriegtalith - Vocals
Resurgemus -, Guitars, Synths
Asbath - Drums, Percussions

Guest Appearance:
 Helvete: Bass
Benjamin Hoffmann: Guitar
Sharthar - Cello, Keyboards (studio only)

Past members:
Oldhan - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Tartar - Guitars
Anastasia - Keyboards
Shagan - Guitas
Anti - Guitars

DARKESTRAH formed in mid 1999 by Asbath in Bishkek/Kyrgyzstan. The first demo, entitled 'Pagan Black Act' was recorded in December 1999. In December 2000 the second demo 'Through the Ashes of the Shamanic Flames' was recorded and released through german label Curse of KvN Sadistic in 2003.

In February 2003 the debut album 'Sary Oy' was recorded, which gained a wide response worldwide through NCR in 2004. Great melodic parts were paired with traditional instruments like Kyl-kyjak, Komuz or Sygyt. Female Black Metal vocals and throat singing that created the atmosphere of the spiritual shamanic people. Sary Oy lyrically brings the ancient Kyrgyz tales about three sisters of nature in three songs. This record marked Darkestrah's as one of the most interesting bands within the Shamanic Pagan Black Metal genre.

In September 2004 limited MLP 'The Way to Paganism' was recorded and released on NCR in 2005.

In August 2005, 'Embrace of Memory' the 2nd album was recorded in Blue House Studio, and the final work, 'Embrace of Memory', was released in October 2005.

In January 2007 we released the 3rd album "Epos". This time we changed studio and now this is the "Kick the Flame Studio' (studio of the member from the band Disillusion). This album included one magic long Black Metal composition at the medium tempo with some acoustic tunes and the atmospheric feel. This 'Epos' is completely dedicated to our beloved lake Issyk-Kul', which is located in Central Asia. There are more than ten legends, histories, myths and fairy tales about this lake. Every aspect of Epos signifies a spiritual, almost pre-historic journey. The album is thick with Pagan themes, but it is not done in a way which seems almost cliche in Black Metal these days. Darkestrah’s approach to pagan expression this time has been one of using subtlety to convey power of expression.

In March 2007 Darkestrah have ended the relationship with NCR and one month later we signed with the US label Paragon Records.

March 2008, DARKESTRAH has finished the recordings for the new studio album "The Great Silk Road" and the final work, was released in August 31, 2008 through Paragon Records.
In February 2011 the band signed to French label Osmose Productions. This is without a doubt the beginning of a new era for the band.



  1. Saga of Temudgin
  2. Onon River
  3. Khagan

Dark Essence

Dark Essence inicia en el mes de Febrero del 2008 en Armenia, Quindío, con Esteban Beltrán (voz) y Jorge Mogollón (Guitarra, Bajo y Batería) con un Black metal influenciado por bandas como Limbonic Art, Tártaros, Enthroned, tristitia, entre otras. Para el mes de Septiembre Esteban deja a un lado la banda quedando con la Labor de hacer las líricas, y entra como vocal Cristian Garzón con esta formación la banda entra a estudio a grabar su primer Ep “Anhelos De Un Macabro Lamento” en Mastersound Studio, de la ciudad de Armenia.

A inicios del 2009, ingresa Iván Sánchez (Guitarra Rítmica) Y Deivy Ramírez (Batería), consolidándose así la banda con una formación estable y haciendo toques en ciudades como Pereira, Buga, Armenia y Calarca. La banda ha rotado en emisoras de radio de ciudades como: armenia (rock al 100), Manizales (rock sound) mostrando un potente y devastador black death metal y en países como Australia en la emisora dark essence radio, y también ha sonado en bares de la ciudad de Londres-Inglaterra, Estocolmo-Suecia. Madrid-España. La banda ha tenido la oportunidad de compartir con grandes bandas de la escena nacional y esto ha sido muy gratificante pues han sido bandas con mucha dedicación y pasión por lo que hacen. En la actualidad la banda consta de 4 miembros, 3 de ellos en escenario, y se encuentran realizando los nuevos temas de lo que será su primer full length y próxima producción los cuales serán algo mas cargados de agresividad, energía y técnica, además de blasfemia y odio. 

Anhelos de un Macabro Lamento


  1. Intro (Esencia Oscura)
  2. Bathory
  3. Tiempos de Gloria
  4. Lumen Aeternus Palam Acerbus
  5. Hijos del Mal
  6. Outro



This is the Theosophist concept of hell, which is derived from the Sanskrit for "isolation." Although a place of torment it greatly differs from the ordinary conception of hell, chiefly because those who reside there have no physical bodies with which to satisfy the fleshy desires that they are plagued with.

The Theosophical teaching on which Avichi is based is the conception that people remain the same entity after death as they were before dying. That is, if in life a person was possessed by strong passions and desires then he will retain them in the astral world. The desires then become unsatisfying with a physic body and turn into anguished torments.

The manner of torments seems to be infinite varying from the confirmed sensualist struggling with his desire of the flesh to the ordinary person, while not burden be fleshy desires, who is troubled by the thought that he gave too much attention in his earthly life to worldly affairs rather than focusing on higher goals. This latter person is thus doomed to regret his lack of attention toward higher objectives.

Avich is a place of regrets for things done and left undone in the physical life. Its torments, however, are not eternal, but will gradually subside after timeless durations of anguished torment.

The Divine Tragedy


1.    Entrance to God (instrumental)
2.    Purification Within the Eighth Sphere
3.    Messianic Deliverance
4.    Phallic Insinuation
5.    Prayer for Release (instrumental)
6.    Taedium Vitae
7.    Aeonic Disintegration (instrumental)
8.    Separation from the Life Principle

h   This is the first release by Avich, and they directly come with a masterpiece, instead of several promotional demos with crappy sound. Avichi is certainly a very promising band, armed with a high intellect, and great musical skills. There is no band like Avichi.

Several elements make Avichi so unique. Avichi isn't the first band dealing with occultism, but atleast Aamonael knows what he's talking about. I'm tired of all the Black Metal bands declaring war to the christians, yet there are no actions (with exception of a sellected few bands). It's easy to create an evil sounding lyric, but it's not easy to make it worthy aswell. Avichi's lyrics contain enough symboly and obscure terms to make you think about it, and I think that this is exactly what lyrics should do. After all, lyrics are an instrument of propaganda. Avichi takes religious elements as a core, and covers it with layers of dark vocabulary until a hateful, (anti-)religious and obscure entity results. Nothing simple and laughable like "We rape christians. Hail Satan" to find here.

Avichi also secludes itself sound-wise. Fast guitar riffs and up-tempo drumwork gives the sound an agressive feel, which certainly results in a great, dark and hateful atmosphere in combination with the lyrics. The vocals are not like any other Black Metal band I've heard, and I have been in the scene for quite some years, so that should say enough. The vocals are low, a bit raw, and very intense. A supernatural being vomits hell over the earth, and the sun will never shine again.

The only element that prevented me from giving 100 points for this release, is that the songs are a bit monotonous. Certainly not boring at all though, but perhaps there could be a bit more variation in the songs. The production of the music is absolutely great though, so if Avichi just puts a bit more variation in the upcoming release, I think it's very difficult to beat that. I concider this release the best of 2007, so far.

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ARFSYND is a Swedish one-man band featuring a multi-instrumentalist Perditor. The debut self-titled full-length was produced by the artist himself and mastered at the legendary Necromorbus studio, so expect a unique and deep sound! Featuring a variety of tempos, sincere, dark and haunting vocals, Perditor's exquisite and already well-known melodies, ARFSYND follows a different yet just as noble path. Lyrics, entirely written and performed in archaic Swedish, give this ARFSYND a special dimension, a special feeling, which, the author felt, could only be manifested through the use of his mother tongue. 



1.    Lifvets Usurpator
                        2.    Blodsutgjutelse I Herrans Namn
            3.    Vid Syndaflodens Mynning
                4.    Flagellanternas Procession
                     5.    Prisa Den Förtappade Flamman
        6.    Själamassans Ändalykt



A finales del año de 1996, se empieza a engendrar un proyecto en el cual, dos seres malditos entregan su energía en composiciones de crudo y pesado metal, Azkaron en la guitarra y Vampiric Corpse en la batería. Tras el pasar del tiempo en el año de 1998. Se une a ellos Fornicvs en la voz, ayudando a fijar el estilo musical e ideológico de la banda. En el año de 1999 dos insanas mentes Vulkano en la guitarra líder y Abatan en el bajo; se unen para completar así la primera alineación oficial y es lanzado el primer demo oficial “NOCTURNAL RITES OF EVIL” en el año 2000.
En el transcurso del año 2000, Vampiric Corpse y Abatan deciden concentrarse en sus proyectos personales. Con la salida de estos dos miembros la banda da un giro inesperado; Fornicvs pasa a ejecutar la batería y la voz. Estas tres mentes insanas, Vulkano, Fornicvs, Azkaron, siguen trabajando incesantemente hasta que se une a ellos Belias ejecutando el bajo y la voz en vivo. Con la entrada de este ser se completa la segunda formación de ESBBAT, y es lanzado el segundo demo “ABISMO BAJO EL MUNDO” liberado en el año 2002.
A finales del año 2003, es grabada la tercera producción” DENTRO DEL ESBBAT”, contiene 10 temas: Hail ¡ Mundo Infernal, Maligna Encarnación, Al Acecho, Hijos De Las Sombras, Tormenta, Dentro Del Esbbat, Sacrificio, Evocación, Mátalo; con explosivos riffs, poderosos golpes de batería, veloces punteos y malignas vociferaciones llenas de oscuridad y maldad, con 38 minutos de duración, grabado en ATOM estudio.
En el año 2004 as, junto a la promotora italiana ABSTRACT PROMOTION, Se libera un PRE-lanzamiento de 300 copias en versión CD industrial para el mundo. En este mismo año, ESBBAT entra de nuevo a el estudio de grabación ATOM, para plasmar lo que será su cuarta producción “LA ERA DE LA BESTIA”, que contiene ocho temas de un clásico metal negro: El Palacio De Lucifer, Selva Negra, Magick, La Era De La Bestia, La Montaña De La Muerte, Siniestra Rebelión, Ave Satanás, Salve Satanás, Reggie Satanás, Hail Lucifer!, Hordas Negras, con 43 minutos de duración. ESBBAT se radica en la ciudad de Bogotá e inicia una serie de conciertos a nivel nacional al lado de bandas como : inquisition, enthroned, ancient, dark funeral, entre otras y a la vez trabajando en la grabación de su tercer Cd " EL RETORNO DEL IMPERIO SATANICO", contiene 7 malditos temas: El Amanecer De La Muerte, El Eterno Triunfo Del Mal, El Llamado, Rey De Los Muertos, Muerte Al Reino De Cristo, Oda A Lucifer, The Hymn Of The Satanic Empire, con 47 minutos de blasfemo metal negro, grabado en abril del 2005,en los estudios EVIL INSIDE (Bogotá). En el año 2006, después de una larga espera es lanzado de forma oficial el Cd Dentro Del Esbbat producido por SYLPHORIUM RECS. Y ESBBAT se realizan nuevas presentaciones a nivel nacional contando con el apoyo de nuevos integrantes, kadath (bajo), Beltane (voces), Insano (guitarra líder).
En el año 2007 Azkaron, Fornicvs, Insano y Kadath graban la quinta producción de Esbbat “FALSOS IDOLOS” en los estudios Line Up de la ciudad de Bogotá. En el mes de noviembre de este mismo año es lanzado el segundo álbum Cd” LA ERA DE LA BESTIA” producido por ESBBAT. En el actual año 2010 ESBBAT Se encuentra promocionando “EL RETORNO DEL IMPERIO SATANICO” CD sellado con MIGHTY HORDES PRODUCTIONS.

Dentro del Esbbat

  1. Hail! Mundo Infernal
  2. Maligna Encarnation
  3. Al Acecho
  4. 666
  5. Hijo De Las Sombras
  6. Tormenta
  7. Dentro Del Esbbat
  8. Sacrificio
  9. Evocación
  10. Mátalo

La Era De La Bestia

  1. Ave Satanás! Salve Satanás! Reggie Satanás! Hail Lucifer!           
  2. La Montaña De La Muerte           
  3. Oscura Selva
  4. El Palacio De Lucifer
  5. Siniestra Rebelión
  6. Hordas Negras
  7. Magick
  8. La Era De La Bestia

El Retorno del Imperio Satánico

  1. El Amanecer De La Muerte
  2. Eterno Triunfo Del Mal
  3. El Llamado
  4. Muerte Al Reino De Cristo           
  5. Rey De Los Muertos
  6. Oda A Lucifer
  7. Hymn Of The Satanic Empire
  8. Desde El Umbral (Demo 2000)
  9. Abismo Bajo El Mundo (Demo 2002)



These bands need no introduction. I am sure that all balck metal fans know it.

Live In Wacken 2004


  1. Satyricon - Walk The Path Of Sorrow
  2. Satyricon - Night Of The Triumphator
  3. Satyricon – Angstridder
  4. Satyricon – Filthgrinder
  5. Satyricon - Fuel For Hatred
  6. Satyricon – Forhekset
  7. Satyricon - Repined Bastard Nation
  8. Satyricon - Hvite Krists Dog
  9. Darkthrone - Kathaarian Life Code
  10. Darkthrone - The Hordes Of Nebulah
  11. Darkthrone - Transylvanian hunger
  12. Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
  13. Darkthrone - Mother North


Genre: Depressive Black Metal
Country of origin: Germany
Current lineup
              Anti:           All instruments
Zahgurim:    Drums
A. Krieg:       Vocals

Founded in 2004 by Anti. Due to several requests, anti is a pure studio band and will never play live gig. Official releases "Longing for the end" demo CDr (2005 selfreleased / re-release by Insomnia Prod.) V/A "...for all hate in man! vol.9" track: "Nothing" pro-CD-R (2006 Insomnia Prod.) "The insignificance of life" CD / LP (2006 O.A.P. / A.O.P.) V/A "Gott in uns" 4way split 12" exclusive track: "Beatam Mortem Exspectans" LP (only!!!) (2007 O.A.P.)

The Insignificance of Life

  1. Nothing
  2. Landscape in Minor          
  3. Invocation
  4. Farewell (Escape into Beyond)
  5. Zero Point
  6. Mourning Soul (Absurd cover)

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1349 rose from the ashes of Alvheim in 1997, counting Ravn (vocals & drums), Tjalve (guitars), Seidemann (bass) and Balfori (guitars). Balfori quit shortly after due to musical divergence. In early '99 the band found Archaon whose speed and technique took their music to a new level of intensity and brutality.

Come spring 2000, 1349 decided to record a new promo showcasing the new material, and Frost of Satyricon was asked to lay down the drum tracks to get the speed required. Holycaust Records offered them a deal and released the new promo as an eponymous MCD. By early 2001, the band felt they had enough killer songs for afull-length album – “Liberation”. Hearing this material, Frost was so impressed that he asked to join and became a permanent member of the band. Recorded and mixed at Gordon Studios, Liberation blended old school soundscapes with warp-speed hysteria. 1349 signed with Candlelight Records in 2003 and released their debut full-length album in april 2003, then marched unstoppably forwards with the following releases “Beyond the Apocalypse” in 2004 and “Hellfire” in 2005.

In between recordings 1349 spent a lot of time on the road and have over the years toured with Celtic Frost, Gorgoroth and Carcass, to name a few, as well as performing at festivals like Wacken, Summer Breeze, Hellfest and SXSW. Guitarist and founding member Tjalve left in 2006 to focus his musical efforts on his band Pantheon I. Four years after the release of “Hellfire”, 1349 decided to unleash a quite different monster upon the unsuspecting masses and “Revelations of the Black Flame” saw 1349 return to Studio Studio Nyhagen with Tom G. Warrior co-mixing the album along with Ravn. Released May 25th 2009 on Candlelight Records, Revelations... saw 1349 explore the slower, darker and more ambient side of black metal, while still retaining the spirit of aural hellfire. An even deeper darkness was added to the sphere of 1349...it became evident that from here, it was gonna get scary.

2010 was a year when 1349 really started to flex muscles. With new cooperation partner Indie Recordings as the chosen label, 1349 unleashed their latest aural assault DEMONOIR, filled to the brim with abyssic darkness and hellish energy. This release - by far their most brutal to this date - showed that the band had gotten capable at blending a deeper and more sinister darkness with extreme intensity and venomous aggression, another proof of the band’s innovative take on Black Metal.

The year also saw 1349 playing some one-off European shows, coming to Finland for the first time, as well as touring the US with Cannibal Corpse and later co-headlining with Triptykon. Several high-profile festivals such as Wacken and Summer Breeze were once again given a lethal dose of Hellfire.

2011 brings 1349 to places dark and strange; be warned, and be ready...

Hellvetia fire

  1. Hellfire
  2. Riders of the Apocalypse 
  3. Majhicanalenheten
  4. Nekronath
  5. Chasing Dragons
  6. Satanic Propaganda
  7. I Am Abomination
  8. Aiwass –Aeon
  9. Sculptor of Flesh
  10. The Usurper
  11. Slaves to Slaughter
  12. Hellfire


Pestilential Shadows

If you've never before been exposed to Pestilential Shadows, then you might be in for somewhat of a treat, as the band is comprised of members of the brilliant Nazxul, whose last album Iconoclast is hands down the greatest symphonic black metal album to hail from the continent of Australia. But the similarities are more than skin deep, because one could argue that this band was the same entity, minus the heavy use of synthesizers, but nearly as epic in atmosphere. Pestilential Shadows focus fully on the mood created by the driving guitar chords, and Depths sees the band at their best to date.

They've got a knack for using familiar sounding note progressions and putting just enough passion behind them that they feel fresh and adventurous. "Lost Geists of the Sunlight Sphere" is spacious and voluminous, its swelling debris of dampened melodies casting off shadows that resonate in the listener's mind long after, while the breakdown segues explore minimal, psyche rock influence with cleaner guitars, bass grooves and haunted whispers. It sets the tone for about the entire album, followed by the similar, glorious sadness of "Tribulations of Man", but the Australians also pick up speed through "Choirs Beyond the Blackened Stars" and the ravaging "Architects of the Spear". The brooding ambient passage that opens "Shrine" gives way to the most majestic piece here, and I'm also taken with the drifting sadness that is "Putrid Earth".

In Memoriam, Ill Omen

"In Memoriam, Ill Omen" is a pummeling onslaught of sorrow-drenched riffs with a sonic production that mirrors the early '90s black metal sound, courtesy of guitarist/singer Balam. Featuring past and present members of NAXZUL, RIFT, ILLIUM, FUNERAL MORUNING and many others, "In Memoriam, Ill Omen" is a timeless piece of art that transcends all forms of mournful resentment towards human nature. Recorded and mixed by Balam and mastered by D.Backovic, the CD features stunningly beautiful old-school artwork and layout by Balam

  1. Weapon Against the Sun
  2. Beautiful Demise
  3. With Serpents I Lay
  4. Of Loss and Suffering Inherit
  5. For Man and Heaven's Ruin
  6. Sundered
  7. Ecclesia Moriendi
  8. Bathed in Ashes


Depths is quite good, but it's the sort of dreamlike, wide open good that might take some level of absorption and attention that one is not used to when listening through black metal records. The tones here are quite rich, repetitive, fully realized and cognizant of their weight upon the listener. It reminds me slightly of the band Altar of Plagues, or perhaps fellow Australians Austere (Desolate having been in that band), but with a more accessible overall aesthetic, and less tortured vocals.

  1. Lost Geists of the Sunlight Sphere
  2. Tribulations of Man
  3. Choirs Beyond the Blackened Stars
  4. Architects of the Spear
  5. Shrine          
  6. Poisoner
  7. Putrid Earth
  8. Depths

Abyssic Hate

Abyssic Hate was formed as a one-man project back in the year 1993... and continues to be so to this day. The concept of Abyssic Hate revolves around the incessant belief [which is proven correct time and time again by the various sub-humans who exist on this worthless planet] that: '99.9% of humans should be terminated'. The human race is the most absolute abomination in the history of creation, and with an exceedingly small amount of redeemable features. .. Most releases of Abyssic Hate are produced in extremely limited amounts for various reasons. Quite often the production quality of these demos is very poor, and although it is more than satisfactory to the creator's ears, the general human pubic like to echo the voice of their idols. Simply put, Abyssic Hate is above criticism from some pathetic teenage human whose 'claim to metal fame' is some worthless 'zine or some thoughtless demo. May they rot in their world of Dimmu Borgir, Impaled Nazarene and Cradle of Filth. As this is an 'anti-human black metal' project, is seems only natural to limit the availability of such misanthropic releases to this ugly species. .. Several recordings have been created over the past years, so it may appropriate to quickly catalogue these for those curious: .. Cleansing of an Ancient Race - Extremely rough-sounding demo which was produced in a 'proper' 24-track studio. This recording brings out a similar hatred to that of early black metal Darkthrone and although released in only 100 copies, the response was unfortunately amazing... but it was also embraced by the 'underground', which was welcome news, and it led to the deals with cult labels Darker Than Black and No Colours, both in Germany. Recorded and mixed in twelve hours, released in October 1994, sold out by the completion of the year. .. Depression - This unreleased tape catalogued some music which was written shortly after Cleansing of an Ancient Race and in a similar vein. This sound of this was very flat, and so it was never released except to good friends and long time allies of the project. All of these songs either ended up on later recordings or changed so much over the course of time they more or less became new songs. .. Life is a Pain in the Neck - Limited to only 10 copies, this is one of the most superior recordings of Abyssic Hate. The production of this 56-minute cassette is quite good [with a strong underground feeling] and the songs are truly epic. Due to the lack of vocals which many beings seem to have a problem with, the attitude 'fuck humans' was adopted again and the tape was never 'officially' released. These three tracks are to be re-recorded and released as the upcoming Suicidal Emotions LP on No Colours. .. United by Heathen Blood - When Det Hedenske Folk suggested this release, it seemed like a good idea - and indeed it was! Two bands who were united against Christianity and commercialism in metal on the one release. The demos of both bands were featured on this CD (Det Hedenske Folk's remixed demo, Abyssic Hate's re-mastered demo) and for the first time, it was printed in an unlimited amount to satisfy any human interest in either project. The demo of Abyssic Hate was cleaned up slightly for this CD release, although its original raw qualities are still strikingly sharp in comparison to most 'extreme' bands. .. Eternal Damnation - This release had been planned some years ago and there were many delays [from Abyssic Hate]. After seemingly endless problems, with pride it was released on Darker Than Black, and it contained 20 minutes of basic pure, harsh, evil noise! This mCD was limited to 500 copies and has one of the most ugly sounds ever heard. Fast, primitive and hateful, it was a return to the glory days of 1991. The release was quickly hated by almost everyone - perfect! Abyssic Hate's purpose is to inspire such emotions, and if it produced unlimited hate, then the purpose was achieved! A cover version of a track by Absurd was included as both a tribute to their inspiring musical creations and also to hail their many years of work in the underground. .. Betrayed - This track was never officially put down onto any recording in the past for some reason. No Colours required an unreleased [if possible] track for the No Colours Compilation Vol. 2 CD, so the perfect opportunity became available to highlight this important track. Slow, depressing, profound sorrow - if one human can terminate their life to this song, then it has indeed been the most successful recording to date for Abyssic Hate. Betrayed was also produced in cassette form for Australia, due to its limited availability under the Southern Cross. This track will appear on the LP after Suicidal Emotions [working title: Medication LP - although this could be changed in the future]. .. Suicidal Emotions - It can now be announced that after many years of work, the debut full length of Abyssic Hate has been released on No Colours. Featuring three tracks of total depressive qualities, this album is a one-hour funeral of pure sorrow and endless despair. Suicidal Emotions is beyond any criticism and beyond all praise - this is more than music, but a genuine link to the gateway of self-destruction. EMPTY THE EARTH!

A Decade of Hate (Compilation)


  1. Intro (The Demon) 
  2. From an Unknown Plane of Existence
  3. Cleansing Of An Ancient Race
  4. Land Of Impenetrable Darkness
  5. Damned for Eternity
  6. Tarrasque
  7. Bloodletting 
  8. Eternal Damnation
  9. Knight Of The Living Dead
  10. Human Despair
  11. Attack!
  12. The Blood War
  13. The Victory is Ours (Absurd cover)
  14. Betrayed