Legion del Metal



Country of origin: Norway
Year of creation: 2000
Genre: Black/Death Metal

In the beginning, there was the old school black metal act, "Taakeriket". Unfortunately, it went silent for two years in '97 after a plague of crew changes and slow progress. From the ashes a more progressive and violent creature arose, they called it Sulphur. The demo, outburst of desecration, earned Sulphur a record deal on the French label Osmose productions. In January 2007 the album, Cursed Madness was released and received great reviews. A vinyl edition of the demo, Outburst Of Desecration, was also released at the same time. In 2008 Sulphur went back into the studio to record a second album. The album Thorns In Existence was recorded in Conclave Media Studios and produced by Bjørnar E. Nilsen. However, due to musical disagreements, Sulphur and Osmose Productions chose to part. Sulphur signed a new recorddeal with Dark Essence Records, and the album Thorns in Existence was released the 9th of november 2009. Sulphur are currently working on their next album. 

Cursed Madness
  1. The Summoning
  2. Realms of Darkness
  3. Two Thousand Years of Plague
  4. The Descent
  5. Spilt Blood & Brente Knokler
  6. Cursed Madness
  7. A Relic for the Damned
  8. Great Shadow Rising
  9. Master of Storms

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Thorns in Existence

  1. Revelation
  2. True Father of Lies
  3. The Purifying Flame
  4. Hunting Sickening Seas
  5. Luna Noctiluca
  6. Into Nothingness
  7. Invented Visions of Eternal Salvation
  8. Ravner beiter i banesår
  9. Throne of Illusion
  10. A Crimson Line

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