Legion del Metal



Goatmoon es una banda de Lappeenranta (Finlandia) de Black Metal que cuenta como único miembro a BlackGoat Gravedesecrator (Jake Spring) que toca todos los instrumentos ademas de la parte vocal.

Esta fue formada en 2002 y cuenta en su haber con los siguientes lanzamientos:

Demo (Demo)- 2003
Goatmoon (Demo) - 2003
Death before Dishonour (Album) - 2004
Finish Steel Storm (Album) - 2007
In the Spirit of the Ultimate Sacrifice (Split con Ride for Revenge) - 2008
Goatmoon (EP) - 2009
Split con Xenophobic Ejaculation - 2010

Goatmoon is a one man black metal band from Lappeenranta, Finland.

Goatmoon was created in spring 2002 from the ruins of BlackGoat’s old band Count Lähde(-99). First recordings BlackGoat made by him self, but in some point of summer ‘02 joined drummer T. Bloodvengeance, who played on the half of songs on the first demo. On the early winter of ‘02 Bloodvengeance left the Goatmoon. BlackGoat has recorded six demos by himself during the years 02-05. First full length album was brought to moonlight late winter ’04 released and distributed by Werewolf records

Demo 4 (2003)

  1. Hymn of Sorrow Pt. I
  2. Aryan Evil
  3. Hymn of Sorrow Pt. II
  4. Wolf's Night
  5. Black Forest (Pest cover)
  6. Hymn of Sorrow Pt. III

Death Before Dishonour


  1. Blackmetal Winter
  2. Pure blood
  3. Bloodvengeance
  4. Forest of Misanthropy
  5. In the Cursing Embrace
  6. Light Will Not Be
  7. Blackgoatworship
  8. Rite of God Deny
  9. Humanhate Grows Strong Within
  10. Aryan Evil
  11. Disease
  12. Death Before Dishonour
  13. Kunnia, Armageddon!

Finnish Steel Storm

  1. Eclipsed by Raven Wings
  2. Alone
  3. Bitter Winter of Depression
  4. Der Sieg des Ziegenmondes
  5. Finnish Steel Storm
  6. Immortal's Winter
  7. Murder, Murder Glorious
  8. Mythical Story (Draco cover)
  9. Nyt ei Kristus auta
  10. Forest of my Native Soil

  1. Storming Through White Light
  2. Noidan verestä männikkö herää
  3. Quest for the Goat
  4. Varjo valolta suojelee
  5. Valley of Shadows
  6. Wolven Empress
  7. Abomination of Winter
  8. Echoes of Eternity

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