Legion del Metal


Uruk-Hai / Mhnunrrn

Name: Mhnunrrn
Génre: Black Metal
Country of origin: Czech Republic

Mhnunrrn is a one-man raw black metal band from the Czech Republic, founded in 2010 by Klat Ba (Holomráz, Fonnia, ex-Trist (Cze), ex-Deep-pression). The name Mhnunrrn is based on prehistoric runes and is in the eyes of Klat Ba a word for success and satisfaction. The logo is simply a calligraphic record of this word, created by Klat Ba himself. Klat Ba is, next to a musician, also a painter and a graphical artist. 


Name: Uruk-Hai
Génre: Dark Ambient
Country of origin: Austria

Founded in 1999, Uruk-Hai is a dark ambient band from Austria highly influenced by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The band is named after an advanced breed of orcs from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Alexander "Hugin" Wieser, founder and only member of Uruk-Hai, is also the owner of W.A.R. Productions.

Uruk-Hai / Mhnunrrn

Uruk-Hai/Mhnunrrn is a split album by Uruk-Hai and Mhnunrrn, released by the French label Le Crépuscule Du Soir Productions in June 2010. The release features three tracks by Uruk-Hai and a single 20-minute song by Mhnunrrn.


  1. Uruk-Hai - The Fate of Man
  2. Uruk-Hai - Lebensende:Winter (Different Version)
  3. Uruk-Hai - Gil-galad (Remastered Version)
  4. Mhnunrrn – II

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